About ThisWorld
hello lovely being and welcome to my website :)
ThisWorld was born in 2011, after completing a degree in textiles I set off to travel around northern India and Europe, along the way discovering the psychedelic music scene. I returned to the UK full of inspiration, with a deep yearning to find my own path, experiment, be my true self and create a colourful life filled with art and joy.
All garments are designed, cut, sewn and dyed by one pair of hands in my little home studio in Devon, UK. All fabrics are organic, fairly traded and cruelty free, wherever possible made from the wonder plant HEMP. The material supply chain is one that cares immensely deeply about both people and planet. The use of any material from this earth is never taken lightly. Garments are individually hand dyed using low impact dyes making each piece totally unique!
Hemp grows amazingly well and quickly, regenerating the soil, without the need for herbicides or pesticides, making it far more environmentally sustainable than most other plant fibres. it uses just 20% of the water needed to grow cotton. It is a wonderfully strong, naturally anti-bacterial fabric which keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Love Hemp!!
Low impact (fibre reactive) dyes do not require the use of toxic mordents, they are pigment based, meaning the colour binds to the fabric. Used well many colours will have very little 'wash off', although this does differ between colours. There are loads of arguments for and against chemical dyes vs. Natural dyes. My personal research has led me to the conclusion that for now it's more logical for me to predominantly use low impact fibre reactive dyes. That said my love for and experimentation with natural dying is certainly still very much alive.
Our magnificent home, planet earth offers endless inspiration, wonder and magic, from the smallest unfurling fern to complete awe at the vast changing sky scapes, magic is truly everywhere when we stop to notice it ~quietly growing, flowing, renewing and finding balance. Becoming a mama in 2021 has really taught me how to truly submit to the ebbs and flows of life, my creative ventures have to roll with this new way of being.
ThisWorld is dedicated to the rejection of capitalist, money and power hungry systems that will run humanity and the earth into the ground. I wish to be a small part increating a fulfilling, Earth and mind healthy future that values authenticity and community. mindful consumption of less, Supporting small artists and treasuring what we do have. A HUGE Thank you for being a part of the journey!
Pippa x